Introduction to Butt Lift

Buttock augmentation is becoming more and more popular these days. While most people consider a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) as the primary option for enhancement, there are people out there who would care for a less voluminous and more natural look. At Plastic Surgery Scottsdale, Dr. Golger offers a traditional Butt Lift as a great way to lift sagging buttocks without the need for any filler or implants. To learn a little bit about what kind of difference this procedure can provide you, we encourage you to keep reading below.

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What are the Benefits of Butt Lift?

Our Scottsdale Butt Lift patients have found the following benefits from their treatment:

  • Added volume
  • Customizable treatments
  • Minimizes cellulite
  • Smoothens out wrinkles
  • Tighter and lifted buttocks

What is Butt Lift?

A traditional Butt Lift (not to be confused with a BBL), is a surgical procedure that pulls up the skin around your butt to improve its shape and surface. The procedure creates a smoother, less dimpled, and more toned appearance. Unlike other cosmetic butt procedures, a butt lift doesn’t increase the size of your butt.

While there are several techniques that Dr. Golger could employ, one of the more common techniques of a gluteal lift requires an incision just below the waistline and is commonly combined with an abdominoplasty incision in a body contouring procedure. Liposuction may be used for improved contouring as well.

Another technique Dr. Golger can use utilizes an incision just below the buttocks and is placed in the crease between the buttocks and the upper thigh. The excess skin and tissues are removed resulting in a more defined crease and sometimes smooths the skin of the back of the upper leg.

Since this treatment will only improve the position of your butt and not enhance its size, you should speak with Dr. Golger about a Brazilian butt lift if you are interested in larger buttocks.

Who Are The
Best Candidates
For Butt Lift?

The best candidates for a Butt Lift in Scottsdale have the following characteristics:

  • Individuals with significant soft tissue looseness in the gluteal area
  • Healthy individuals without medical conditions that impair healing or increase the risk of surgery
  • Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic goals for what gluteal lift surgery can accomplish
  • Nonsmokers
  • Individuals committed to leading a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition and fitness

What’s the First Step?

If you would like to improve the appearance of your buttocks, your first step is to contact Plastic Surgery Scottsdale and schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Gogler. When you come in for this appointment, you will be able to discuss your aesthetic concerns and desires, and Dr. Golger will examine your buttocks and ask you questions regarding your medical history. It is very important to be open and honest as it will help prevent any unnecessary risks or side effects.

Once Dr. Golger has all of the information he needs, he will create your surgical plan and our Patient Coordinator will be able to help you schedule your procedure date and time.

What to Expect on the Day of Butt Lift

On the day of your butt lift procedure, you will be administered medications to make your procedure more tolerable, which will be either intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. Once you have been sedated, Dr. Golger will begin by making incisions in strategic areas of your buttocks. The length and pattern will depend on the location and amount of excess skin needed to be removed, but they will be hidden by most types of clothing and swimsuits. He will then use deep sutures within underlying tissues to help to form and support the newly shaped contours. Sutures, skin adhesives, tapes, or clips may be used to close the skin incisions.

The results of a gluteal lift are visible almost immediately. However, the tissues will need to settle within the first 3-6 months and the incision lines can take up to two years to mature. Get more information on gluteal lift results.

Butt Lift Recovery

After your butt lift surgery, you’ll go into a recovery area until you wake up from the anesthetic or where you’ll wait for a short amount of time to make sure there aren’t any complications. Once Dr. Golger says it’s OK, you will be released to go home and recover in comfort. You’ll need someone to take you home, as you won’t be able to operate a vehicle safely after your surgery.

We like to remind our patients that recovery from butt lift surgery does take time. You’ll likely have to use pillows when sitting and adjust how you sleep. These techniques help with healing and reduce the risk of incision splitting. You will be provided with instructions on how to care for your incisions and surgical drains. Often, but not always, you’re asked not to put pressure on the surgical site. You may need to wait up to several weeks before returning to your typical activities. It can take several months for you to fully heal.

You may also need to wear a compression garment to reduce swelling and promote skin tightening and healing. Dr. Golger will prescribe you take medicine that reduces the risk of blood clots.

Woman in pool | butt lift | Plastic Surgery Scottsdale

How Much Does Butt Lift Cost in Scottsdale, AZ?

The cost of Butt Lift in Scottsdale typically ranges between $7,500 – $9,500 but will be determined by numerous factors, including the degree of change and techniques that Dr. Golger will utilize. After your initial consultation, Dr. Golger will create your surgical plan and with that information, our Patient Coordinator will be able to provide you with a breakdown of the total cost for your procedure.

Why Choose Us?

Dr. Alexander Golger takes a personalized approach to each procedure, tailoring our techniques to achieve natural-looking and balanced results that cater to each patient’s unique concerns and goals. We believe in treating our patients with compassion, respect, and empathy, and our team of medical professionals will guide you through the entire process, from the initial consultation to post-operative care.

Dr. Golger is a board-certified plastic surgeon and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). As the leader of Plastic Surgery Scottsdale, our team follows his commitment to our patients and we pride ourselves on providing the highest level of care and personalized attention, making us the perfect choice for your butt lift procedure.

Butt Lift Model | Plastic Surgery Scottsdale
Schedule A Consultation

Schedule Your Consultation

If you are looking for a natural-looking, but still lifted buttock, you should call Plastic Surgery Scottsdale to schedule your consultation with Dr. Golger today! You can call our office or use our website to request your appointment and a friendly member of our team will be in touch with you as soon as possible!

Genuine and Talented

I had an abdominoplasty done by Dr Golger here almost 2 years ago and realized I never left a review. Everyday Im so thankful for the confidence its given me. Dr Golger is one of the most professional, genuine and talented doctors Ive encountered.

Extremely Happy

My experience with Dr. Golger, and his team was a dream! From the consultation to the post-op follow up appointments, they treated me with genuine warmth and care. I am extremely happy with my results, and the healing process was absolutely seamless.

Wonderful Staff

Dr golger is an amazing surgeon he knows what he is doing I went to him for a breast reduction and I couldn’t be much happier. Both Cathy & Josie are amazing as well. Really happy i came across Dr. golger and his wonderful staff.

Highly Recommend

I highly recommend avenue plastic surgery. I just had a breast reduction and I am extremely pleased! Everyone in the office was amazing at answering any questions I have had over the phone as well . Dr Golger made me feel so comfortable .

Phenomenal Surgeon!

Dr. Golger is a phenomenal surgeon!! I can't recommend him enough. He flawlessly performed my breast reduction and lift in June 2022 then performed my breast reconstruction immediately after having my cancer prevention mastectomy done.

Very Ethical

Very ethical Dr he was kind patient and understanding. He took his time to explain the procedure. I decided to go back to my original Dr and Dr Golger refunded my deposit without any issues as promised. I highly recommend Dr Golger. Thanks to Valerie for her exceptional customer service


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