Introduction to Neck Lift

As we age, the skin and muscles around our neck may start to sag and lose elasticity, resulting in the appearance of a “turkey neck.” This can make us look older than we feel and deeply affect our confidence or well-being. Fortunately, a Neck Lift procedure at Plastic Surgery Scottsdale can help reverse these signs of aging and restore a youthful, defined neck. Our elite practice offers customized Neck Lift procedures tailored to each of our patient’s unique needs and goals. Our skilled team, led by Dr. Golger, utilizes advanced techniques to tighten and contour the neck area, resulting in a smoother, more youthful appearance. If you’re ready to rejuvenate your neck and restore your confidence, then keep reading to learn more about our world-class Neck Lift in Scottsdale, Arizona.

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What is Neck Lift?

A Neck Lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure in Scottsdale, AZ that aims to improve the appearance of the neck and jawline by removing excess skin and fat, tightening the underlying muscles, and repositioning the skin. The procedure is often sought by those bothered by sagging skin, excess flaps, or loose muscle bands in the neck area, making them look older or heavier than they actually are. A Neck Lift from Plastic Surgery Scottsdale can help patients achieve a more defined and harmonious look by rejuvenating the neck’s contours and enhancing the overall facial balance.

What are the Benefits of Neck Lift?

This procedure can be very exciting for a patient, as it can make a big difference in their overall appearance. Below, we’ve included some of the benefits that we’ve seen firsthand in our Arizona patients:

  • The procedure will create a slimmer neck and lower face
  • The operation will make you look more youthful and refined
  • Eliminate double chins
  • Obtain a narrow and tighter chin region
  • The procedure will give you a more defined jawline

What can a Neck Lift Treat?

Through the procedure, we can tighten the loose skin and remove excess fat tissue to give you a smoother, firmer, and more youthful appearance. A Neck Lift procedure can often be done in conjunction with a Facelift. Our Neck Lifts performed by Dr. Golger at Plastic Surgery Scottsdale will help treat:

  • Excess fat and loose skin on the neck
  • Heavy jowls
  • Double chins
  • Platysmal bands ( two strips of muscle that run vertically down both sides of your neck)
  • Sagginess and deep wrinkles on the lower face

Who Are The
Best Candidates
For Neck Lift?

To better understand if you’re a good candidate for our Neck Lift in Scottsdale, we’ve provided criteria that most of our patients can meet or are experiencing:

  • Candidates of this procedure should be in good overall health
  • Candidates should not smoke cigarettes
  • We request that our patients are psychologically stable
  • Most candidates experience fat or loose skin around the neck area
  • Many Neck Lift candidates have a double chin
  • Candidates have muscle laxity under their chin
  • Candidates should have realistic expectations

What’s the First Step?

The first step towards a Neck Lift at Plastic Surgery Scottsdale is to contact our friendly clinic to schedule a consultation. During the consultation, you will have the opportunity to meet with Dr. Alexander Golger and discuss your cosmetic goals and concerns. Dr. Golger will perform a thorough examination of your face and neck, review your medical history, and answer any questions you may have about the Neck Lift technique you are interested in. Based on this information, he will recommend the best treatment options to help you achieve your desired results.

What to Expect on the Day of Neck Lift

A Neck Lift procedure in Scottsdale, AZ will usually take about 2-3 hours to perform. We use a general anesthetic or local anesthetic with intravenous sedation. It begins with making two incisions located around the ears. Dr. Golger will then lift the sagging neck tissue and trim away loose skin. With an additional incision beneath the chin, we can also access and remodel the neck muscles, which is referred to as Platysmal Plication. This neck-tightening strategy reduces visible signs of aging, and the result is a smooth, youthful neck contour. Another technique we may use is Liposuction, which can remove excess fat from the neck permanently.

Neck Lift Recovery

After completing your procedure at Plastic Surgery Scottsdale, dressings are applied to the treatment area. We may prescribe an elastic garment for support and healing purposes that should be worn for the first few days, post-op. Any discomfort experienced can be managed with the prescription medication that our team will provide. You can expect to see some swelling and bruising, but these side effects will subside, and you can appreciate the healed results of your Neck Lift within a few weeks. The full recovery time from a Neck Lift surgery can vary depending on the extent of the surgery. When complete, patients can generally return to their regular routine within just 1-2 weeks.

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How Much Does Neck Lift Cost in Scottsdale, AZ?

The cost of your Neck Lift in Scottsdale can vary based on several different factors, like the techniques used and whether or not your Neck Lift is combined with a Facelift. During your consultation at Plastic Surgery Scottsdale, our team can address any question you may have about the cost of your Neck Lift and the payment options available to you. We do offer financing to help make the payment process more manageable for our patients.

Why Choose Us?

Plastic Surgery Scottsdale is committed to providing personalized and top-quality care to all of our Arizona patients. Our team of professionals, including skilled plastic surgeons, is dedicated to ensuring that each patient receives the latest and most advanced techniques in Neck Lift surgery. We understand that every patient is unique and has individual concerns and goals, which is why we take a personalized approach to each procedure to achieve natural-looking and tailored results. Our modern and well-equipped facilities provide a comfortable and safe environment during your procedure. We believe in treating our patients with empathy and respect, ensuring that you feel comfortable and supported throughout your journey. If you’re looking for a Neck Lift, you’ve found the right place for success; Dr. Golger and our team are not just ready to change your life but also ready to build a trusted friendship that can last for a lifetime. Dr. Golger remains a committed member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

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Schedule Your Consultation

Our Arizona Neck Lift patients feel that the surgery greatly benefits their lives, providing a renewed sense of self-confidence. If you’re interested in learning more about the procedure or have any questions, please contact us today. We look forward to becoming part of your journey to achieving the best version of yourself.

Neck Lift FAQs

Your procedure questions answered.

Genuine and Talented

I had an abdominoplasty done by Dr Golger here almost 2 years ago and realized I never left a review. Everyday Im so thankful for the confidence its given me. Dr Golger is one of the most professional, genuine and talented doctors Ive encountered.

Extremely Happy

My experience with Dr. Golger, and his team was a dream! From the consultation to the post-op follow up appointments, they treated me with genuine warmth and care. I am extremely happy with my results, and the healing process was absolutely seamless.

Wonderful Staff

Dr golger is an amazing surgeon he knows what he is doing I went to him for a breast reduction and I couldn’t be much happier. Both Cathy & Josie are amazing as well. Really happy i came across Dr. golger and his wonderful staff.

Highly Recommend

I highly recommend avenue plastic surgery. I just had a breast reduction and I am extremely pleased! Everyone in the office was amazing at answering any questions I have had over the phone as well . Dr Golger made me feel so comfortable .

Phenomenal Surgeon!

Dr. Golger is a phenomenal surgeon!! I can't recommend him enough. He flawlessly performed my breast reduction and lift in June 2022 then performed my breast reconstruction immediately after having my cancer prevention mastectomy done.

Very Ethical

Very ethical Dr he was kind patient and understanding. He took his time to explain the procedure. I decided to go back to my original Dr and Dr Golger refunded my deposit without any issues as promised. I highly recommend Dr Golger. Thanks to Valerie for her exceptional customer service


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