Introduction to Gynecomastia

Since the dawn of time, men have typically been considered to be strong, stoic, and steadfast. Whether it’s providing for their family or community, leading others either physically or intellectually, or sacrificing personal regard for themselves for the protection of others, the stereotype of a “man’s man” has been around for quite some time. While the social constructs of what makes a man has been slowly altered over centuries, there is one aspect that hasn’t changed too much, and that’s a man’s physical appearance.

Gynecomastia affects many men across the globe, presenting them as having “man boobs”, which can take a toll on the psyche, regardless if you’re a hunter or a gatherer. At Plastic Surgery Scottsdale, Dr. Alexander Golger strives to provide his male patients with the kinds of changes that lead to pride in their appearance through male breast reduction surgery. If you would like to learn more about this procedure and how you could benefit from it, please keep reading below.

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What are the Benefits of Gynecomastia?

Some of the many benefits that our Scottsdale Gynecomastia patients have experienced from their surgery include:

  • Alleviated back pain
  • Creates a more “masculine” figure
  • Enhanced confidence and self-esteem
  • Makes it easier to maintain a healthy weight
  • Physical activity is more enjoyable
  • Quick recovery
  • Removes “man boobs”
  • Safe and fast procedure

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition that results in enlarged breasts in men and is repaired with a Male Breast Reduction, which removes excess fat or glandular tissue that contributes to overly large breasts. The symptoms can be corrected using liposuction, removing excess breast tissue through a small incision around the areola, or sometimes both.

Some of the primary causes of Gynecomastia include:

  • Anabolic steroids
  • Endocrine Gland dysfunction
  • Hormonal changes
  • Prescription medications
  • Weight gain

Who Are The
Best Candidates
For Gynecomastia?

The best candidates for Gynecomastia surgery in Scottsdale are patients who have the following characteristics:

  • At a relatively normal weight
  • Are overall healthy with no life-threatening illnesses or medical conditions that may impede healing
  • Have been unable to correct gynecomastia through exercise or alternative medical treatments
  • Feel that their breasts are too large and are bothered by their appearance
  • Have realistic expectations for the results of the surgery
  • Maintain a positive outlook with clear goals for improving the physical symptoms of gynecomastia
  • Non-smokers or drug users

What’s the First Step?

If you are in Scottsdale and feel like Male Breast Reduction is right for you, your first step is to schedule a consultation at Plastic Surgery Scottsdale. When you come in for this appointment, you will meet with Dr. Golger who will listen to your body goals, examine your chest, and answer any questions you may have. You will also be asked some questions regarding your lifestyle and medical history. We encourage you to be open and honest when having your conversation because any information provided will help prevent unnecessary risks or side effects. Dr. Golger will then create your personal procedure plan, and if you agree with the direction of this plan, our Patient Coordinator will help you schedule your surgical date.

What to Expect on the Day of Gynecomastia

When you come in for your Gynecomastia surgery, you will first be administered general anesthesia to make your procedure go as smoothly as possible. Once you are sedated, Dr. Golger will make incisions either through the armpit or around the areola, and insert a small tube called a cannula. The tube is moved back and forth along the fat deposits in your chest to loosen it up and suck it out via liposuction.

After this, there are usually larger amounts of glandular tissue and skin that will be needed to be excised and removed. While not every patient will require both techniques, it is not uncommon for both to be performed to achieve the best look possible. Dr. Golger will finish by closing the incisions with sutures. Your chest will then be wrapped with a compression bandage to help minimize swelling, bleeding, and bruising

The entire surgery will take between one and two hours to complete.

Gynecomastia Recovery

After your Gynecomastia surgery, Dr. Golger will release you and you can return home to recover. In certain more complex cases where a small tube for draining excess blood and fluid will be left.

The outcomes following this procedure are almost immediately visible. Any incisions made during surgery will take time to heal with any scars left behind being barely visible. After a few weeks of healing, you may get medical clearance from Dr. Golger to incorporate exercise and weight training, which will help accentuate the surgical results.

Man laying down | gynecomastia | Plastic Surgery Scottsdale

How Much Does Gynecomastia Cost in Scottsdale, AZ?

The cost of Gynecomastia Surgery (male breast reduction) in Scottsdale is typically between $6,500 – $8,500 but will vary on several factors, including the degree of change and the techniques Dr. Golger will use to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. The best way to get the most accurate cost will be to schedule a consultation with Dr. Golger and allow him to make your custom procedure plan. Once this plan is made, our Patient coordinator will be able to provide you with a complete cost breakdown.

Why Choose Us?

Dr. Alex Golger is a board-certified plastic surgeon and a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). As the leader of Plastic Surgery Scottsdale, our team follows his commitment to our patients and we pride ourselves on providing the highest level of care and personalized attention, making us the perfect choice for your male breast reduction procedure. Dr. Golger takes a personalized approach to each procedure, tailoring our techniques to achieve natural-looking and balanced results that cater to each patient’s unique concerns and goals. We believe in treating our patients with compassion, respect, and empathy, and our team of medical professionals will guide you through the entire process, from the initial consultation to post-operative care.

Gynecomastia Model | Plastic Surgery Scottsdale
Schedule A Consultation

Schedule Your Consultation

If you’re embarrassed when taking off your shirt because of your “man boobs”, a Gynecomastia surgery in Scottsdale could help change your lifestyle and improve your confidence. Contact Plastic Surgery Scottsdale to schedule your consultation with Dr. Golger either through our website or by giving our practice a call. Our team looks forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve that chest you’ve always wanted.

Gynecomastia FAQs

Your procedure questions answered.

Genuine and Talented

I had an abdominoplasty done by Dr Golger here almost 2 years ago and realized I never left a review. Everyday Im so thankful for the confidence its given me. Dr Golger is one of the most professional, genuine and talented doctors Ive encountered.

Extremely Happy

My experience with Dr. Golger, and his team was a dream! From the consultation to the post-op follow up appointments, they treated me with genuine warmth and care. I am extremely happy with my results, and the healing process was absolutely seamless.

Wonderful Staff

Dr golger is an amazing surgeon he knows what he is doing I went to him for a breast reduction and I couldn’t be much happier. Both Cathy & Josie are amazing as well. Really happy i came across Dr. golger and his wonderful staff.

Highly Recommend

I highly recommend avenue plastic surgery. I just had a breast reduction and I am extremely pleased! Everyone in the office was amazing at answering any questions I have had over the phone as well . Dr Golger made me feel so comfortable .

Phenomenal Surgeon!

Dr. Golger is a phenomenal surgeon!! I can't recommend him enough. He flawlessly performed my breast reduction and lift in June 2022 then performed my breast reconstruction immediately after having my cancer prevention mastectomy done.

Very Ethical

Very ethical Dr he was kind patient and understanding. He took his time to explain the procedure. I decided to go back to my original Dr and Dr Golger refunded my deposit without any issues as promised. I highly recommend Dr Golger. Thanks to Valerie for her exceptional customer service


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