Introduction to Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation is one of the most highly sought-after cosmetic procedures in the world. While there are so many women who are dissatisfied with their breast shape and size, the idea of figuring out the right size, material, and shape for natural breast augmentation can feel like a very daunting task.

Dr. Golger closely works with each one of his Scottsdale breast augmentation patients every step of the way during their journey, ensuring they are comfortable and understanding of every aspect of their procedure. To get started, we recommend you read the following information below to begin having a better understanding of what undergoing breast augmentation surgery entails.

Woman in black bra | Plastic Surgery Scottsdale

Breast Augmentation Basics

Surgery Time

Breast augmentation in Scottsdale can take between one and three hours, but will be determined by the specifics of your surgery.

Recovery Time

As an outpatient procedure, Breast Implants in Scottsdale allow patients to recover comfortably at home once they are released from our care. There will be some expected swelling and bruising that can last between three and six weeks after surgery. Most patients can resume all normal activities after about two months post-surgery.


Most implants have an average lifespan of about 10 years, however, some patients have been able to enjoy their results for almost 20 years. Dr. Golger will give you an idea of when you should expect to consider a Breast Implant Revision, but if there is any point at which you need “maintenance” surgery, please don’t hesitate to contact our practice!


The average cost for Breast Augmentation in the state of Arizona is between $6,000 – $9,00. This cost is highly impacted by factors such as the surgeon, anesthesia, and facility fees, any required medical tests, and the specifics of your implants. The best way to understand your total cost for your enhancement surgery is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Golger.

Dr. Golger’s Breast Augmentation Expertise in Scottsdale, AZ

Dr. Alexander Golger is an international board-certified plastic surgeon

To be a certified plastic surgeon, you must be expertly trained in surgeries such as Breast Augmentation and meet the very specific and rigorous criteria set by the board.

Dr. Golger is a member of ASAPS, ASPS, CSPAS, and CMA

The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the Canadian Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (CSPAS), and the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) are some of the most prestigious societies in plastic surgery in North America. Only plastic surgeons who have achieved stringent criteria are allowed to join these groups.

Dr. Golger has nearly 20 years of experience

With nearly two decades of experience practicing in Toronto, Ontario, and more recently in Scottsdale, AZ, Dr. Golger performs a wide variety of procedures, with a particular interest in breast augmentation.

Dr. Golger served as the Chief Division of Plastic Surgery at Lakeridge Hospital and as the Assistant Professor for the Department of Surgery at Queen’s University in Toronto.

View Our Before & After


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What are the Benefits of Breast Augmentation?

Dr. Golger and his team at Plastic Surgery Scottsdale have seen our patients enjoy the following benefits from their breast augmentation Scottsdale procedure:

  • Added volume to small breasts
  • Better clothing options to accentuate your contours
  • Fuller breasts
  • Immediate and stunning results
  • Improved confidence and self-esteem
  • Provides lift after pregnancy and weight loss
  • Quick recovery
  • Restores breasts after a mastectomy
  • Will improve breast symmetry

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation (a.k.a. augmentation mammoplasty) is a surgical procedure that helps women who are dissatisfied with the contour, size, or fullness of their breasts, or would like to improve their breast asymmetry.

Things to Consider When Getting Breast Augmentation?

There are many important decisions to make when it comes to breast implants that our Scottsdale patients must consider. Dr. Golger will be sure to go over all of these decisions during your consultation and discuss the pros and cons to allow you to make an informed decision. Below, we have included some of the things that you will need to consider:

Implant Filler

Breast implants have an exterior silicone shell, filled with either saline or a silicone gel, and they both have their strengths and weaknesses. For example, saline implants will tend to ripple, have the potential to leak, and can have a different feel to both the patient wearing them and the person touching them.

Silicone gel breast implants are usually softer to the touch and tend to have a more natural feel. While all implants have the potential to ripple, silicone breast implants will ripple less. Silicone implants can also last longer since the new silicone gel filler is semi-solid, making the danger of breast implant rupture or leakage pretty much non-existent.

Implant Covering

Breast implants have two types of coverings, textured and smooth. Textured implants can lead to significant rippling on the skin and can become very hard, whereas smooth implants will settle quicker and drop a little more, giving a more natural appearance of breast symmetry.

Implant Shape

The two shapes that modern breast implants have are teardrop and round. Teardrop implants (also called anatomic) tend to rotate and have a textured covering, which leads to certain complications mentioned above.
Round implants can actually achieve the teardrop shape when partially placed under the pectoral muscle. As the muscle pushes on the upper 2/3s of the implant, with the lower third of the saline implant not affected by muscle bulges, eventually creates a teardrop profile.

Implant Insertion

There are five different options when choosing the place of entry for your breast implants:

  1. Below the nipple
  2. Around the inferior aspect of the areola
  3. Below the breast
  4. Through the armpit
  5. Through the belly button (uncommon)

As with any surgical option, each technique will have pros and cons, but the armpit is often the most popular, as it gives the surgeon a better ability to create a natural resting position for the implant and provide the least visible scarring.

Implant Positioning

Breast Implants can be placed above or below the pectoral muscle, with some being placed partly above chest muscles AND partly below. Every patient will have different requirements, but having the implants below the chest muscle helps the silicone gel breast implants to stay softer and produces better mammogram results. Dr. Golger will help you choose the best option for you and your body type.

Cup Size

While this is often our patient’s favorite decision that has to be considered, it is also a more difficult category to discuss because, unfortunately, there’s no solidarity in the cup-size community. For example, a B could be a standard B in one brand, but for another, a B could actually be a C. This is why we encourage our patients to focus more on the visual appearance of an implant size, and not necessarily about which letter it is associated with.

Who Are The
Best Candidates
For Breast Augmentation?

If you are wondering if you are a good candidate for a Scottsdale Breast Augmentation, you should have at least some of these characteristics:

  • Bothered by the feeling that your breasts are too small
  • Breasts are asymmetrical
  • Dissatisfied with your breasts losing shape and volume after pregnancy, weight loss, or with aging
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Not currently pregnant or breastfeeding
  • One or both breasts failed to develop normally or have an elongated shape
  • Physically healthy
  • Unhappy with the upper part of your breast appearing “empty”
  • Your breasts are fully developed
  • Breast augmentation should only be considered after one’s breasts have been fully developed, but there is no age limitation for breast surgery later in life, as long as the patient’s health allows it.

What’s the First Step?

The first step in getting breast enlargement in Scottsdale is to schedule your Breast Augmentation consultation with Dr. Golger. When you come into Plastic Surgery Scottsdale, you will be able to express your expectations for the procedure and have your body and breasts examined by Dr. Golger. While performing his evaluation, he will take everything into account, including your body type and desired aesthetic. You will also be asked questions about your medical history and lifestyle, which not only provides more insight into your life but also helps avoid any unnecessary risks.

The next part is what most of our patients find to be the most fun, which is getting to choose the size and shape of their breast implant surgery themselves. You can see some before and after photos, see mold examples, and listen to the pros and cons of each option. Once you and Dr. Golger have agreed on the techniques, types of breast implants, and a few additional details, he will create your personalized surgical plan.

Once this plan is made and the two of you agree to it, our Patient Coordinator will be able to help you pick your surgery date and provide you with some important instructions to follow pre-surgery.

What to Expect on the Day of a Breast Augmentation Procedure

Your procedure will vary slightly depending on which type of augmentation you are receiving, but regardless of which one you are getting, we will start your procedure by administering you general anesthesia first to provide you with a more comfortable experience.

Once you are sedated, Dr. Golger will start making inconspicuous incisions to minimize visible scarring. Depending on your augmentation, the implant will be placed either under the pectoral muscle or directly behind the breast tissue, but over the pectoral muscle. Natural augmentation (fat transfer) may require more operative time dictated by the extent of areas to be liposuctioned and the desired breast size.

After he is finished with the implant or fat graft, Dr. Golger will close the incisions using layered sutures in the breast tissue to provide natural breast tissue extra support and close the external breast skin incisions with sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape.

Each operation will take about one to two hours depending on the techniques used by plastic surgeons.

Breast Augmentation Recovery

You will be monitored for a little while to ensure you don’t have any negative reactions. Since breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure, once you are released, you will be able to return home, however, we strongly encourage you to have a friend or relative available to give you a ride; you should also consider having an adult caretaker available to help you with basic tasks for the first few days at least.

Your recovery from breast augmentation should be mostly painless, however, you may experience swelling, bruising, pain, and general discomfort during the early stages of your recovery. You should continue to wear a surgical bra that provides support and protection during the initial part of your recovery. Dr. Golger can prescribe you some temporary pain medications to help manage any pain or discomfort.

Most patients tend to take about a week off of work or school to allow their bodies to heal. It will take the healing process of around two to three weeks before normal activities can be resumed. Heavy lifting and other strenuous activities will need to be avoided for around four to six weeks.

You should expect it to take between six and eight weeks for the swelling to subside and your full results to appear. There may be a feeling of stiffness in the area, and the breasts may feel sensitive for a short time during the initial recovery, but these issues should not be a concern. If you do experience anything concerning, be sure to schedule an appointment with your doctor.

Tips for recovery

We want you to achieve the best possible results when it comes to your Scottsdale Breast Augmentation, so we’ve provided you with some helpful tips to do so. Below are some of the more common recommendations we will suggest:

  1. Avoid any strenuous activities and/or exercise until Dr. Golger gives you the “OK”
  2. Try to eat healthy and stay hydrated
  3. Sleep in an upright position and get plenty of rest
  4. Use ice packs as needed
  5. Take your pain medication as prescribed
  6. Keep your incisions clean and dry
  7. Don’t smoke or consume alcohol for at least four weeks before and after surgery
  8. Attend all follow-up appointments
  9. Wear a support bra
  10. Be patient and maintain realistic expectations
Woman with freckles | Plastic Surgery Scottsdale | breast augmentation

How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost in Scottsdale, AZ?

The cost of a Breast Augmentation in Scottsdale typically cost between $8,500 – $9,500 but can vary on a number of factors, including the size, shape, and type of breast implants, as well as the techniques used. The best way to learn how much your procedure will be is to come in for a consultation with Dr. Golger. After he creates your surgical plan, our Patient Coordinator will be able to use that information to provide you with a complete price breakdown.

Why Choose Us?

Dr. Alexander Golger is a highly recognized plastic surgeon in both Canada and the U.S. Dr. Golger is frequently asked to share his knowledge and insights at national and international plastic surgeons’ conferences because of his dedication, commitment, and experience with the plastic surgery community. In addition to helping his cosmetic surgery patients achieve their aesthetic goals at his plastic surgery center in both Scottsdale and Toronto, Dr. Golger also serves as a staff plastic surgeon at Humber River Regional Hospital in Toronto and a board-certified plastic surgeon at Lakeridge Health Hospital in Oshawa, Ontario. He is also actively involved in training medical students at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. Dr. Golger is an active member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Breast Augmentation Model | Plastic Surgery Scottsdale
Schedule A Consultation

Schedule Your Consultation

If you’re dissatisfied with your breasts’ current size and shape, a Breast Augmentation in Scottsdale can do so much to improve your body’s contours and even positively affect your self-esteem. To schedule your consultation with Dr. Golger, contact Plastic Surgery Scottsdale today by giving us a call or using our website to request your appointment to find out if you’re a good candidate for breast augmentation. A helpful and knowledgeable member of our team will be more than happy to help you begin your transformation!

Breast Augmentation FAQs

Your procedure questions answered.

Genuine and Talented

I had an abdominoplasty done by Dr Golger here almost 2 years ago and realized I never left a review. Everyday Im so thankful for the confidence its given me. Dr Golger is one of the most professional, genuine and talented doctors Ive encountered.

Extremely Happy

My experience with Dr. Golger, and his team was a dream! From the consultation to the post-op follow up appointments, they treated me with genuine warmth and care. I am extremely happy with my results, and the healing process was absolutely seamless.

Wonderful Staff

Dr golger is an amazing surgeon he knows what he is doing I went to him for a breast reduction and I couldn’t be much happier. Both Cathy & Josie are amazing as well. Really happy i came across Dr. golger and his wonderful staff.

Highly Recommend

I highly recommend avenue plastic surgery. I just had a breast reduction and I am extremely pleased! Everyone in the office was amazing at answering any questions I have had over the phone as well . Dr Golger made me feel so comfortable .

Phenomenal Surgeon!

Dr. Golger is a phenomenal surgeon!! I can't recommend him enough. He flawlessly performed my breast reduction and lift in June 2022 then performed my breast reconstruction immediately after having my cancer prevention mastectomy done.

Very Ethical

Very ethical Dr he was kind patient and understanding. He took his time to explain the procedure. I decided to go back to my original Dr and Dr Golger refunded my deposit without any issues as promised. I highly recommend Dr Golger. Thanks to Valerie for her exceptional customer service


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