Introduction to Breast Lift

Sagging skin on breasts affects many women, especially after getting older or having children. While there are multiple options to fix your breast’s more youthful appearance now, a Breast Lift is a very popular and useful treatment. Last year alone, there were about 90,000 breast lifts performed in the US, which is an increase of about 70% since 2000, and the procedure shows no signs of slowing down!

A Breast Lift procedure in Scottsdale from Dr. Alexander Golger can help restore firmness to your breasts and make them perkier, rejuvenating your breast shape and entire appearance and improving your self-esteem.

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What are the Benefits of Breast Lift Surgery?

A Breast Lift is a very sought-after procedure for the many benefits it offers our patients, and Dr. Golger focuses on helping you live a better life. Some of the benefits that our breast lift Scottsdale patients have enjoyed about the procedure include:

  • Breasts become perkier
  • Clothing fits better
  • Eliminate stretch marks on the breasts
  • Firmer breast appearance
  • Improved projection for downward nipples
  • More attractive breast shape
  • Reduced under-breast irritation
  • Gives your breast appearance a more youthful shape

What is Breast Lift?

A Breast Lift (Mastopexy) is a surgical procedure designed to raise and reshape sagging breasts by positioning the breasts higher up on the chest and adjusting the nipples to point outward rather than downward. In some situations, our patients can even choose to have the size of their areola reduced or implants inserted during their mastopexy.
Many factors can lead to changes in breast tissue to require a breast lift, including pregnancy, breastfeeding, significant weight loss, and aging – all of which can take a toll on our bodies.

  • Dr. Golger can utilize a variety of incision types to help achieve your breast lift surgery results, such as:
    Crescent Lift: Used for minimal breast sagging and involves a small crescent-shaped incision at the top of the areola. While it is the smallest incision with the most minimal visible scarring, it also creates the least amount of lift.
  • Donut Lift: Often used to eliminate the vertical post-surgical marks that can occur with the anchor and lollipop mastopexy techniques. The donut incision is performed with a circle of excess breast skin removed from around the areola, with the surrounding skin being “gathered” and sutured to the areola.
  • Lollipop Lift: This technique works well for mild to moderate breast sagging. This incision goes around the areola and down to the breast crease, creating a lollipop-style shape. It is also referred to as a vertical or keyhole incision.
  • Anchor Lift: Also known as the inverted-T incision, it is similar to a lollipop incision, but is primarily used for severely drooping breasts. It involves an anchor incision around the areola, down to the breast crease, and a horizontal incision in the breast fold.

Who Are The
Best Candidates
For Breast Lift?

If you have noticed a loss of breast volume and skin elasticity as a result of time, stress, weight loss, breastfeeding, or genetics, you are a good candidate for a breast lift. At Plastic Surgery Scottsdale, we feel the best candidates for a Breast Lift are patients who should also have some of the following characteristics:

  • Are in good overall health
  • At a stable and healthy weight
  • Maintain a positive attitude and realistic expectations for the procedure results
  • Nonsmoker

What’s the First Step?

If you are looking into a Breast Lift in Scottsdale, the first step is to schedule your consultation at Plastic Surgery Scottsdale. When you come in for your appointment, Dr. Golger will evaluate your breasts and discuss your desires for the breast lift procedure and your medical history. During this appointment, you will also be able to have all of your questions answered and a review of factors that will help determine the best approach for your specific needs.

Once you understand and agree on our plan to achieve your goals, our Patient Coordinator will schedule your surgical appointment and provide you with your surgical plan and any pre-operation instructions you’ll need to follow for the best possible results from a full breast lift.

What to Expect on the Day of Breast Lift

On the day of your Scottsdale Breast Lift, we will first sedate you using general anesthesia or iv sedation to make your surgery as comfortable of an experience as possible. Once you are sedated, Dr. Golger will make the appropriate breast lift incisions that were discussed during your consultation, followed by removing excess skin and fatty tissue. The nipple and areola will be repositioned to an appropriate height. Once finished, Dr. Golger will stitch up around the areola in a vertical line going down from the nipple area and along the breast’s crease.

If you have breast augmentation along with your breast lift, it will be placed in a pocket directly under the breast tissue or deeper under the muscle of the chest wall.

Most procedures take between two and four hours to complete.

Breast Lift Recovery

After your breast lift surgery, we will monitor you for a bit to make sure you have no allergic reactions, but once Dr. Golger feels you’re good to go, you will be released to go home. Breast lifts are an outpatient procedure, so you will need to arrange for a family member or friend to provide you with a ride home and have a capable adult available who can assist you with basic tasks because you will be able to return to work within one week, as long as you do not do any heavy lifting or perform any strenuous physical activities. Exercise and other strenuous activities will need to be avoided for around four to six weeks.

Most women will experience some swelling and bruising around the breast that will dissipate over several weeks during breast lift recovery, but this can be reduced with a surgical bra. You will be provided with detailed post-operative instructions, as well as temporary pain medication to alleviate any discomfort and prevent infection. You may experience temporary loss of sensation but this is normal and your sensation will return over time.

How Much Does Breast Lift Cost in Scottsdale, AZ?

The cost of Breast Lift surgery in Scottsdale typically costs between $7,500 – $9,500 but can vary depending on the patient’s individual needs and the specific techniques that Dr. Golger chooses to use, among some other factors. Once you complete your consultation, our Patient Coordinator will be able to provide a detailed analysis of the pricing for your procedure.

Why Choose Dr. Golger?

Dr. Alexander Golger, B.Ed., MD, FRCS(C), earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, which he soon followed up with a five-year medical residency at the highly recognized Division of Plastic Surgery at the University of Toronto. Over the years of practicing plastic surgery, Dr. Golger served as the Chief Division of Plastic Surgery at Lakeridge Hospital and as Assistant Professor for the Department of Surgery at Queen’s University. His extensive academic education and clinical experience have allowed him to approach every procedure with a keen eye that allows him to deliver exceptional aesthetic results. Dr. Golger is an active member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Schedule A Consultation

Schedule Your Consultation

If you feel happy with the size of your breasts but feel like they have lost their perkiness, a Scottsdale Breast Lift surgery could do wonders for you. To schedule a consultation for a meeting with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Golger, contact Plastic Surgery Scottsdale today! You can call us directly or use our website to request an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve the youthful, natural-looking results that you desire!

Breast Lift FAQs

Your procedure questions answered.

Genuine and Talented

I had an abdominoplasty done by Dr Golger here almost 2 years ago and realized I never left a review. Everyday Im so thankful for the confidence its given me. Dr Golger is one of the most professional, genuine and talented doctors Ive encountered.

Extremely Happy

My experience with Dr. Golger, and his team was a dream! From the consultation to the post-op follow up appointments, they treated me with genuine warmth and care. I am extremely happy with my results, and the healing process was absolutely seamless.

Wonderful Staff

Dr golger is an amazing surgeon he knows what he is doing I went to him for a breast reduction and I couldn’t be much happier. Both Cathy & Josie are amazing as well. Really happy i came across Dr. golger and his wonderful staff.

Highly Recommend

I highly recommend avenue plastic surgery. I just had a breast reduction and I am extremely pleased! Everyone in the office was amazing at answering any questions I have had over the phone as well . Dr Golger made me feel so comfortable .

Phenomenal Surgeon!

Dr. Golger is a phenomenal surgeon!! I can't recommend him enough. He flawlessly performed my breast reduction and lift in June 2022 then performed my breast reconstruction immediately after having my cancer prevention mastectomy done.

Very Ethical

Very ethical Dr he was kind patient and understanding. He took his time to explain the procedure. I decided to go back to my original Dr and Dr Golger refunded my deposit without any issues as promised. I highly recommend Dr Golger. Thanks to Valerie for her exceptional customer service


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